Amplifiers: The Power of Motivational Leadership to Inspire and Influence
Amplifiers: The Power of Motivational Leadership to Inspire and Influence
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 240
Binding: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Wrightbooks
ISBN: 9780730304906
Dimensions: 15.37 x 1.83 x 22.99 cm
This book is in excellent condition.
Discover the secrets of motivational, inspirational, andtransformational leadership
Great leaders do much more than just make decisions; theyinspire those around them to excellence and form the vital linkbetween strategy and execution. Amplifiers explains howgreat leaders use the art and practice of motivational leadershipto light the path to success and inspire others to take thatjourney with them. Written by Matt Church, one of the topmotivational speakers in Australia, this practical, powerful guideexplores how great leaders move people to action andexcellence—and how you can do the same. Church gives you theessential skills and strategies of motivational leadership, fromeffective communication frameworks and roles to proven guidance onchoosing high-impact words when speaking to others.
* Includes lessons from such motivational speakers as JuliusCaesar, Winston Churchill, Bobby Kennedy, and Barack Obama, amongothers
* Features case studies from successful companies that havediscovered and profited from the power of motivationalleadership
* Arms readers with tactical tips and actions for inspirationalleadership
* Written by one of the most successful and well-knownmotivational speakers in Australia
Great leaders aren't born; they're made. For anyone who leadspeople, motivational leadership is the key to turning strategy intosuccess. Read Amplifiers and boost your leadership skills toa higher level.
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