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The No-Grain Diet: Conquer Carbohydrate Addiction and Stay Slim for Life

The No-Grain Diet: Conquer Carbohydrate Addiction and Stay Slim for Life

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Author(s): Joseph Mercola and Alison Rose Levy
Publication year: 2003
Pages: 311
Binding: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: E P Dutton
ISBN: 0525947337
Dimensions: 16.51 x 3.18 x 24.13 cm

A leading osteopath and natural wellness physician unveils a three-step program for losing weight-and keeping it off.

In this revolutionary guide by the director of the Optimal Wellness Center in Illinois,c readers will discover how to shed those unwanted pounds-healthfully and nutritiously.

According to the latest research, the current USDA food pyramid is misleading and incorrect: It is primarily carbohydrates, not fats, that contribute to increased weight gain and lead to a variety of illnesses and disorders. With Dr. Mercola's grain-free diet, readers will discover the key to permanent weight loss and healthy living, beginning with:

* The 3-Day Diet-Eating every two hours to rid the body of grains, sweets, and starches
* The 50-Day Diet Plan-Eating four to six meals a day to normalize cholesterol levels
* The Lifelong Maintenance Plan-Following specific food guidelines that allow certain grains to be slowly brought back into the diet
* Plus: The Emotional Freedom Technique-a craving-busting tool for eliminating carbohydrate cravings and addictions once and for all.

Forget the pain and frustration of high-protein, low-fat diets that don't work and aren't even good for you. You'll watch the pounds come off as The No-Grain Diet takes you to the next level of health, fitness, and well-being.

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